When kids leave home, the life you’ve known for years shifts dramatically, leaving behind a mix of emotions and uncertainty about the future. After my son left for college, I found myself frozen in his room, overwhelmed by questions like, “Who am I now?” and “What comes next?” This blog explores how to navigate this transition and turn it into a powerful opportunity for growth. From grounding techniques to rediscovering passions and creating meaningful routines, I share practical steps to help you embrace this new chapter. Reinventing yourself after kids leave home is challenging, but it’s also full of potential.
Read MoreFustrated with the monotony of daily life? With the cycle of responsibilities and obligations the light that once filled you with fire and passion has gone out. Yet, amid the frustration, there is a spark of determination. The same spirit that fueled your dreams hasn’t been extinguished; it's merely smoldering beneath the surface. The women I work with, after years of putting others first, yearn to rediscover themselves, to carve a path back to fulfillment, to break free and feel fulfilled once again.
Read MoreAre you thinking of quitting teaching? It’s not an easy decision, but it’s one many classroom teachers like yourself are considering. I’ve coached teachers for many years. More recently, my conversations with teachers have focused on helping teachers decide if they should leave teaching for a new career. Based on my experience, here are 5 things you should do before quitting teaching.
Read MoreFor the last year I’ve been running the biggest experiment of my life. Why? To deepen my understanding of who I am and discover how to become a better leader both in the workplace and at home. I’ve done this by exploring my Human Design. Based on what I’ve learned I think everyone can benefit from exploring their Human Design and when used, become a better leader in the process.
Read MoreI want to give you 3 questions that will help you conquer your quarter life crisis. These questions are designed to help you reflect and bring awareness to your situation. They’re designed to give you direction and help you pinpoint where to shift and get the answers you need to overcome your feelings of doubt, frustration, and overwhelm that are all part of a quarter life crisis.
Read MoreThe quarter life crisis. It’s a term you keep hearing and you can’t help but wonder, “Is this about me?” You’re only 25, but God… life feels so hard right now. Everyone expects you to be happy…..You want to be happy. You’re in a career you worked hard for. You have a great circle of friends. You feel supported by your family. Yet, even with all this you feel trapped, under pressure, and definitely not fulfilled. Let’s explore 3 signs you might be in a quarter life crisis and what you can do about it.
Read MoreTeachers are in a tough spot right now and many are looking for help to navigate the big question…“Should I love it or leave it?” Should I stay in education or should I find a new career? Learn 3 ways a teacher career coach can help you navigate the right choice for you.
Overthinking is the buzz kill in any relationship. How do we get off the overthinking hamster wheel and feel fulfilled in our friendships, marriages, and work relationships? Let’s explore 4 client approved actions that will help you stop overthinking, overcome the worry, and help you be a better friend, partner, colleague and spouse.
Read MoreAnother holiday by yourself. You wish you could avoid it. It’s frustrating because you’re expected to share in the holiday spirit, but instead you want to fast forward and get to New Year. So how do you survive it? Here are 5 simple ideas that can help you survive the holidays alone this year.
Read MoreFinding the answer to this question feels like a huge and overwhelming quest. It feels problematic too because there’s not just one answer. How could there be? The meaning to life is individualized & based on our own lived experiences. So how do we find it? Not to add more confusion, but as a woman, especially in her midlife, how does the feeling of meaning apply? These are the questions I want to explore and in doing so, I want to share how I lost and found my own meaning to life.
Read MoreComparing ourselves to others is a dangerous game. When we start comparing we chip away at our joy and fulfillment. So how do we stop? We’re gonna talk about 3 simple things you can do to stop comparing so that you can live fulfilled today.
Read MoreWe hear a lot these days about manifesting our desires. What I am learning is that manifesting is intentional action that takes work and focus. In this article I explore the Law of Unwavering Desire and how we can use it in practical ways to manifest the things we want.
How do we overcome our constant inner critic? Author Dan Harris lovingly refers to the inner critic as “the asshole in our head.” I happen to agree with him. This voice is our constant companion. Biologically it’s there to protect us, but often if feels out of control and put us in a cycle of doubt, fear, and worry. You know what I am talking about. It’s the voice that says things like:
Read MoreAs much as I try to live a life without regret, I still live a life with regret. Today I am pulling back the curtain on my own struggles and sharing how I found personal forgiveness and a fresh start.
Read MoreIt’s almost 2021 and I am taking a new approach to goal setting. This year I am starting from scratch. As I’ve reflected on my initial visioning process I’ve captured 4 key “I am” statements that describe what I am doing as part of my visioning process for 2021.
Read MoreWhat happens when a dream we carry dies? Did we fail or is there a lesson to be learned? Follow me on a reflective journey that promises hope, forgiveness, and joy.
Read MoreConfidence is a key to reaching your goals. Every worthwhile goal features hurdles and challenges along the way and self-confidence is the tool that keeps you going in the right direction. In a previous blog post I discussed the mindset needed to foster confidence. Now we are going to explore 3 simple strategies to gain the rock-solid confidence you want.
Read MoreIs Life Coaching right for you? Explore 7 scenarios woman like yourself seek out the support of a LIfe Coach and discover the power it has to help you reach your goals.
Read MoreCovid-19 has disrupted and rearranged our lives. Kids are feeling the effects just like the adults and are forced to adjust and process these changes too. How can we create an environment to get our kids to talk to us? How can we master the art of listening to ensure our kids feel safe and supported?
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