The Keys to Rebuilding a Vision
Starting from scratch
The Keys to Rebuilding a Vision
Goal Setting 2021
It’s almost 2021 and I am taking a new approach to goal setting. This year I am starting from scratch. In my last post Overcoming the Death of a Dream: The Journey to Finding Peace, Hope, and Joy I wrote about the death of a profound dream (aka vision) I had for my life. Now, in order to birth a new vision I am intentionally spending the first part of this year learning to hear what God wants to do through me. When I know what wants to be done through me, I can fully embrace this new vision and set goals for my future. I’ve never done this before, not in the way that feels this intentional. It’s exciting because I am exploring a part of myself that as an adult I’ve never explored before. As I’ve reflected on my initial visioning process I’ve captured 4 key “I am” statements that describe what I am doing as part of my visioning process for 2021.
I am Discovery My Knowing
A few months ago I read Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed. I loved this book. I wrote numerous quotes down in my journal and refer to them often. In a part of her book she referenced the importance of getting quiet in order to hear our Knowing and the guidance this provides us. One of the quotes I reread often says, “Once we tap into the Knowing we have to trust it, no matter how illogical or scary the next right thing seems. Because the more consistently I follow my inner knowing, the more precise and beautiful my outer life becomes.” (Doyle 61)
I had heard others refer to “the Knowing” before, but didn’t put much thought into it. Reading “Untamed” reminded me that this Knowing was my connection to Source and the only way I can hear it is by getting quiet. Some may call Source God, the Universe, Mother Earth etc. but to me it is my intuition and it’s connected to my higher power. It’s my guiding light. With all the mental clutter, daily responsibilities, and roles to play life gets too loud for me to hear what my Knowing has to say. I’ve learned to reconcile with this. I’ve learned that my busyness often means I am avoiding something and more often than not, what I am avoiding is an opportunity to hear the guidance of my intuition. I’ve learned there are 5 things required of me in order to tap into my intuition.
It requires me to get quiet
It requires intentionality
It requires presence
It requires patience
It requires frequency
This list felt daunting at first; however, the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod helped me understand the simplicity and power of setting a morning meditation routine. Even better, this book helped me accomplish my list of 5.
I am Asking Questions
I am a curious and reflective person by nature. However, over the last few months my questions have changed slightly. The questions I ask are pointed inward allowing me to explore deeper parts of myself. I’ve been asking questions like:
What are my triggers?
How have I been conditioned and is it a belief I want to hold on to?
What no longer serves me and how can I let go?
What are my strengths/abilities and how will it serve my new vision?
Who do I need to become for this new vision in my life?
What do I need to let go of? What attachments hinder me?
Magically, the answers to these questions have been like breadcrumbs leading me on a deeper journey of self discovery and transformation. I find wisdom in many things, but books are my favorite. Books that have helped me in this discovery include: 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Dethmer, Chapman & Klemp, The Power of TED: he EmpTowerment Dynamic by David Emerald , The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz , Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline by Beck A. Bailey, and Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Higher Purpose by Michael Bernard Beckwith. Above all my most powerful learning experience has come from my own Life Coach whom I hired as part of my visioning process. She always knows the right questions to ask and the right resources to give. I am truly blessed to have her unconditional support to help me along the way.
I am Willing
Being willing to do the work is the first step to the process. Without the willingness to do the work I wouldn't get the results I want. Setting the intention and believing that I will manifest what I want has been a game changer for me. Being willing also means I’ve had to be:
Reflective, compassionate, forgiving of myself and others.
Open to what the Universe wants to emerge as the highest possibility in my life.
Open to what God wants to do through me.
I am Committed to the Life Visioning Process
The most recent book I’ve read is Michael Bernard Beckwith’s Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Higher Purpose. This book has transformed my life. My coach gave me this book to read at the exact moment I was ready to begin visioning. (amazing how that happens) This book provides a process to prepare for visioning and a guide on how to establish a meditation practice for visioning.
My biggest takeaway has been in how I approach visioning. Before I struggled with trying to think big enough for my life. I felt limited because I could only vision what I knew. What Mr. Beckwith calls the Life Visioning Process (LVP) has taught me to see it differently. Instead of trying to force an idea and come up with a grand plan by myself, he refers to this as “by me,” I have learned to instead ask the Universe to work through me. Through meditation and learning to tap into my Knowing I’ve become open to whatever is in store for me. It has taken the burden of trying to think big enough and allowed me to go deeper and listen to what wants to come through me. Using this book in combination with the help of my life coach I feel like I am exactly where I am meant to be in order to create a new vision for my life.
Visioning takes commitment. It also takes time. To vision means you have to allow it. Nothing is forced. You just have to show up each day willing to spend time in meditation so you can be in tune with what God wants to impress upon you. This is what I am opening myself up to so that a new vision can be birthed in my life.
What’s Next?
As for me, I am walking into 2021 with intention. I’ve already declared I want a new vision for my life and I have full confidence that God will work through me to birth it this year.
For more information about the Life Visioning Process I would encourage you to check out Michael Bernard Beckwith’s book.
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