How to Survive the Holidays Alone
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash
Another holiday by yourself. You wish you could avoid it. It’s frustrating because you’re expected to share in the holiday spirit, but instead you want to fast forward and get to New Year. It feels especially foreboding this year because…..Lord have mercy the holiday shit hit the stores in September! (What the hell people?) So how do you survive it? I can’t promise a quick fix, but here are 5 simple ideas that can help you survive the holidays alone this year.
Give Back
Giving back to your community is always rewarding. Find ways to give your time, money, or support for those in need this time of year. Contact your local school to see if they have a giving program set up for students whose parents can’t afford a holiday. Find a local animal shelter that needs volunteers to walk dogs. Find the local food pantry and find ways to help. There are many options. It just takes a bit of effort and intention on your part.
Create Traditions
I learned when I was a kid the importance of holiday traditions. If you’re alone this holiday, consider what traditions you want to start or maybe you already do. Be intentional with choosing things that you would only do this time of year. Make it special. Make it unique to you. Create traditions that bring you joy.
Do Your Favorite Things
Create a day or evening and do your favorite things. Make a list. Choose wisely. Get dressed up, put on your pjs, be naked...who cares...pick the things YOU want to do. For example, part of my holiday tradition is to make my Polish grandma’s homemade pierogis (fully clothed). It’s an all day event. I open a bottle or two of my favorite wine, play holiday music, and spend time making my favorites. I love it and look forward to doing it each year. Be intentional with this one. Plan ahead to build anticipation for the event AND go through with it.
Use a Gratitude Journal
Create a gratitude calendar for the holidays. There are lots of 30-day gratitude challenges on Pinterest. Pick one that fits and commit to building a practice of gratitude during this time of year. Use a special journal and each day spend time writing all the things you’re grateful for.
Get Support
Lastly, don’t suffer alone. If you need professional support don’t hesitate to get it. The ramifications of Covid still exist. The mental health crisis is real. Find a therapist that’s a good fit even if it’s just to get through the holidays. (National Crisis Prevention)
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