Unwavering Desire: A Key to Manifesting Your Dreams

Lately you find yourself daydreaming about the past…..your mind wanders …and you see the woman you were.   You know…that badass force of nature that got shit done. You were driven. You were lit up about everything….life, your career, your potential, and the loves of your life. Now, not so much. Circumstances and responsibilities have chipped away at that woman. You still dream of her…wish you could have that kinda energy back, but now you’re overwhelmed by action. How can you bring that woman back? How can you harness new energy and get back in the flow of feeling lit up again? How can you manifest this person using the law of unwavering desire?

What’s the Law of Unwavering Desire?

Let’s start by defining it. The word unwavering means you’re determined…resolved to make something happen.  The Law of Unwavering Desire says 2 things. 

  1. Whatever it is you want to manifest, you have to want it. Like really really want it.

  2. The thing you want to manifest has to be in alignment with the energy it requires to manifest.

What this means….In Michelle’s words

If you’re stuck fantasizing about a life you wanted in the past but you're sick of feeling stuck then you’ve gotta put energy into making a change.  How? Evaluate how you want to feel instead. Do you want to feel energized, renewed, vibrant, inspired, or free? Yeah?? Awesome! Then sister….claim it. Say it out loud, to the mirror, to a friend…just say it out loud. If this is what you really, really, want then you’ve just achieved the first step…..you know what you want. (YES!!! You Got This) 

The second part of the Law of Unwavering Desire moves you closer to manifesting

I personally think it’s the breakthrough moment. It’s the thing that breaks the glass ceiling that you’ve been living with for too long.

But beware. It requires something of you. 


The woman you want to become…..it’s gonna take your action & your energy to make it happen.

In fact, in addition to the energy (the action of doing something) it’s also gonna require you to be daring.  

Here’s the equation.  The moment you combine

energy + action + daring = a personal shift into creating the life you want.

Hell Yeah! 

Cool. Now What? 

Let’s talk about  “No Matter What Statements.” No Matter What Statements are a great start to establishing the change you want to see and experience in your life. You can use them as journal prompts, post-it notes for your mirror, or any kind of visible reminder of the shift you want to make.

Here are a few examples. 

No matter what, I am going to start painting again. This helps me to release my stress and let my creativity flow again. 

No matter what, I am going to take charge of my finances again. This will help me leave my partner and finally feel free. 

No matter what, I am going to take the solo hiking trip I’ve always wanted to take. This will help me find the quiet and solitude my soul needs to feel rejuvenated. 

No matter what ………..(fill in the blank). This will help me to ………(fill in the blank) 

Manifesting our desires isn’t just naming things and hoping for the best. It requires us to identify what we really really want AND put the energy forward to manifest that thing. In the process


Interested in taking it a step further?


Here are 3 [FREE} journal prompts to use with your No Matter What Statements.
