Dare to be Yourself!
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash
Are you comfortable being yourself in all situations? How can you develop the courage to be your authentic self?
Be yourself and take back control of your life:
Meditate. Meditation quiets the part of you that judges and labels everything around you. Meditating regularly.
Tell the truth.
Be unique. The true you isn’t exactly like everyone else. Celebrate that. Own it. Share the unique parts to yourself with the world.
Notice your crutches and get rid of them. Be mindful that using crutches to deal with boredom, anxiety or uncertainty is blocking you from seeing the truth.
Examine the areas in your life that feel inauthentic.
Spend your time on things you enjoy. Spend your free time on the things that you’re most passionate about.
Do one thing you want to do but are afraid to try.
Give your opinion.
Get outside. Get yourself into a more natural environment and you’ll find it easier to be authentic.
Strengthen your boundaries. Consider that where your boundaries are weak, your true self is being smothered. You’ll know these places by the high amounts of energy they drain from you.
Overcome your need to fit in and impress others. You’re an amazing person. Allow yourself to be that person each and every day.