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Becoming a Better Leader with Human Design

Becoming a Better Leader

For the last year I’ve been running the biggest experiment of my life. Why? To deepen my understanding of who I am and discover how to become a better leader both in the workplace and at home. I’ve done this by exploring my Human Design. Based on what I’ve learned I think everyone can benefit from exploring their Human Design and when used, become a better leader in the process.

Human Design

If you Googled Human Design you'd find a ton of information. In fact, if you’re like me you can find yourself squarely stuck in a rabbit hole of information. 🐇

So here’s how I define Human Design.

Human Design as a personal roadmap that guides you in understanding who you are by getting clear on your unique communication style and how to make decisions

Human Design is like a horoscope, personality test, love languages, Chakras, Briggs, and more. It’s super powerful stuff and like I said, I’ve been experimenting with mine to see how the different elements play out in my life.

….and it has……and I can’t believe how much I have learned about myself in the process.

What I’ve learned

  • I am a Manifesting Generator and I find joy in trying new things and squeezing the most out of life. I love to find shortcuts to mastery.

  • I’m happiest when I say yes to the things that light me up. When I do what lights me up I have all the energy in the world. (like writing this blog)

  • Frustration is my personal indicator that I am out of alignment and not using my strategy (communication style) or authority (how I make decisions) in the right way. 

  • My communication sweet spot is in responding to things. I am not an initiator. This actually drains me. Instead of coming up with new ideas my purpose is to respond to things external of me. This has by far been the most helpful in my career and learning to be an effective leader.

  • If I lose my lust for life, like if I literally don’t want to be bothered and everything feels like groundhog’s day, I’m heading to a functional burnout. (Always good to know as a leader)

  • I manifest things by focusing on being receptive.

This is my short list….in reality I’m learning something new everyday, but the best part is that I am now grounded in who I am and who I am meant to be. It’s super cool stuff.

Becoming a Better Leader

I’ve applied my Human Design in 3 primary ways. 

  1. I use my strategy (how I am designed to communicate) to engage and communicate with the world. This is how I get inspired to write blogs, engage in social media, and my favorite… write to my VIP Newsletter group. When I am responding to something (a book, a conversation with a friend, an audience…etc) I feel much more comfortable. I feel confident and I feel like I actually have something to say. 

  2. This might not make sense yet, but I have a defined throat center. I’ve learned that my authority comes from when I speak. I’ve actually known this my whole life, but didn’t understand it until exploring my HD.  Since learning this I’ve paid more attention to when and how I speak (I focus on responding to things). This comes in handy as a life coach and as a public speaker. I see my authority come alive when I am in these situations.

  3. I use Human Design to be a better parent. Shortly after I found out about Human Design I wanted to know my kids' design. Knowing their design gave me insights on how to talk to them, make sense of some of the quirks, and shine a light on their leadership potential.

I am not an expert in Human Design. I am simply experimenting and using it to better understand myself and discover how I can become a better leader. 

Are you interested in exploring Human Design? There are a ton of resources out there that can help you determine your design and how to interpret it. 

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